Simple Liposome Formulator

Note: I make no guarantee that this tool will be correct. If you don't know how to calculate these values by hand, I strongly suggest you practise doing so first and only use this to check your maths.

Note 2: If your m/m % values don't add up to 100, the script will reduce the values so that they do.

(Contact Maya with corrections/additions. Tool built by Michael Wright)

Target mass: mg

NameMWm/m neededw/w equivalentStock concentrationAmount needed
AF405-DSA1508.2 % mg/mL
CDAN586.5 % mg/mL
Chol386.65 % mg/mL
DMPC (14:0 PC)677.93 % mg/mL
DMPE (14:0 PE)635.85 % mg/mL
DODAG859.7 % mg/mL
DODAP (18:1 DAP)648.054 % mg/mL
DOPC (18:1 [d9-Cis] PC)786.113 % mg/mL
DOPE (18:1 [d9-Cis] PE)744.034 % mg/mL
DOPE-MeO-PEG2000 (MeOxy)2801.465 % mg/mL
DOPG (18:1 [d9-Cis] PG)797.03 % mg/mL
DOTAP (18:1 TAP)698.542 % mg/mL
DPPC (16:0 PC)734.039 % mg/mL
DPPE (16:0 PE)691.959 % mg/mL
DPPS (16:0 PS)757.95 % mg/mL
DSA578.61 % mg/mL
DSDAP (18:0 DAP)652.086 % mg/mL
DSPC (18:0 PC)789.625 % mg/mL
DSPE (18:0 PE)748.07 % mg/mL
DSPE-Mal-PEG2000 (Maleimide)2941.605 % mg/mL
DSPE-MeO-PEG1000 (MeOxy)1792.288 % mg/mL
DSPE-MeO-PEG2000 (MeOxy)2805.497 % mg/mL
DSPE-MeO-PEG3000 (MeOxy)3774.654 % mg/mL
DSPE-MeO-PEG5000 (MeOxy)5801.071 % mg/mL
DSPE-NH-PEG2000 (Amine)2790.486 % mg/mL
DSPG (18:0 PG)796.11 % mg/mL
DSTAP (18:0 TAP)702.574 % mg/mL
EPC (Egg PC)505 % mg/mL
HEPC (Hydro Egg PC)779.76 % mg/mL
HSPC (Hydro Soy PC)783.774 % mg/mL
Liss Rhod PE (18:1 PE)1301.715 % mg/mL
MPPC (16:0 Lyso PC)495.63 % mg/mL
MSPC (18:0 Lyso PC)523.68 % mg/mL
NBD PC (18:1-12:0 NBD PC)882.075 % mg/mL
PEG2000-GPLGV-N(DODA)2905.87 % mg/mL
TTA-PC797.51 % mg/mL
[Gd]DOTA-Ahx-DSA1232.8 % mg/mL
[Gd]DOTA-Aoc-DSA1260.8 % mg/mL
[Gd]DOTA-DSA1119.7 % mg/mL
[Gd]DOTA-DSA-Rhod1787.926 % mg/mL
[Gd]DOTA-DSPE1302.71 % mg/mL
[Gd]DTPA-BSA1050.56 % mg/mL
 (0 %) (0 mg; 0 uL)